The types of sounds I used were Diegetic sound, Non-Diegetic sound, Synchronous Sound, and Film Music. The Film Music help set a mood for the video. The mood I wanted to give off was light-hearted and upbeat and the music helps reinforce that. The Non-Diegetic sound helped elevate the clips to get what was trying to be filmed across. The Diegetic sounds in the classroom help the viewers understand the contrast even though it is loud and busy in the classroom it is nothing compared to the volleyball game. The loud Non-Diegetic music over the volleyball game helped show the chaos it was without having the sound on so that was another part of the contrast I wanted to keep; one part with background noise the other complete music. Synchronous Sound is over my little sister jumping and the water bottle shaking because I wanted to give it a complete different feel then the video was going with and upbeat calm mood. This gives a sort of clanging the the ice in my water bottle with a sort of future vibe. It also is very energetic like my sister when she is jumping up, the music fits the energy she gives off. Leit motif was the most difficult clip to find because I wanted it symbolize what was going on in there head. Then I listened to a punk song and it was a head banging song and there heads pounding from all the school work. So that's how I bridged the sound and the film of leit motif. Over all, all the sounds help develop the video into a more wholesome video. It also helps give the video a fun and upbeat mood rather than a documentary and boring mood before there was sound.
I really enjoyed your video. Your description was very thorough, and you used all different types of sound to match each different type of shot. The video all together with sound compared to your original master shots makes a large different. Overall, good job!