Monday, November 11, 2019

Film Viewing Practice Essay "Agent Carter"

In the Agent Carter short clip, it begins off with a voice-over that is quicky given into a conversation between a man and a woman. In the conversation you can hear that they are in trouble their voices are shakey and nervous like something bad is going to happen. The next thing that happens it's so quick it pans to a close up of a man in a plane, then it changes to a woman in a room where she is panicking because this might be the last time she sees the men. The scene builds up even more after that to introduce the main characters Agent Carter and Steve. The next scene after the control room fades and tells the audience there will be a new scene.

The next scene that gets introduces after the fade is placed in a business room. The audience can hear and see alarms going off. The area where people are supposed to work is scrambled with papers and folders. This lets the audience wonder what happened here. After this scene, there is a jump cut to a man talking on a telephone where the disorder is going on. In the scene, there is a mix of nondiegetic and diegetic sound because you can hear the song playing in the background lightly to change the mood but the audience can also hear the chaos going on the alarm, and the people talking. These different sounds help change the mood for the audience and led them to think about why all this commotion is going on in the first place and what had happened there. All these things make a good film when the film is leading the audience to question.

To add on to more Mis En Scene in the clip, the clothing the characters wore showed a lot of their time period. Many of the characters were wearing garments and uniforms from World War ll. This helped the audience set that the time period was from about the 1940-1950s. Specifically, behind the glass/plastic wall in Agent Carter's office, there was an emblem of a hawk with SSR. The SSR during World War ll was a branch of a top-secret war office.   

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