Monday, April 13, 2020

Movie Opener Final Draft

The Trip

In the final video, an opening title was edited. Also, the cast and roles were edited into the beginning after the title. At the very end, an ominous sound was added in to make it scarier. All these small things were all very important and improved the film immensely.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Evaluate Peer Reviews

Our group received a lot of insightful comments on how to better our film. One part that many groups talked about being confusing was the scenery switch with the main actors and how they got there. Because we could not film at the airport we had to switch locations to make it work. Although we did use some of the footage we took when we were there so the audience knew the main actor was going to an airport. The comments were very uplifting knowing I was the main actor and my acting skills did not completely suck. Some of the comments were little things that can elevate our film even more like changing the font at the beginning of the film. I enjoyed reading the comments and it helped me look at some of the holes in our film and were very uplifting to read. 

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Movie Opener First Cut

The Trip

Editing Week 8

Extended Discussion About Editing
Many problems have arisen during this editing process. Trying to fit the clips together to make all the scenes move smoothly and not feel choppy and cut up was a large issue. Another problem was finding good audio that wasn't copyright and wasn't an overused horror background sound. The group also ran into the issue that the film may not have enough footage at the airport with planes coming in and out because at the time we shot the airport was closed. We have discussed the possibility of going back to the airport to shoot some extra airport shots. A solution to the audio issue would be to talk to the other horror group working on their film and ask them if they have found any good audios that are not copyright.

It took Reese, Nicole, and me over an hour to edit the film. This was because we were trying to decide how we wanted to lay out the clips and we had to decide which was the best shot for the sequence. As Reese has the most experience with editing and I was the main actor we let her take control of the editing process to add the important extra elements. Overall the editing process went quite well and the video is now put together.

People involved with editing Nicole, Reese, and Me

Editing Week 7

This is a photo of Reese's computer while she is editing the clips together. Our group took a lot of different clips at different times because not everyone could make certain times. So we filmed the end at the beginning of filming so she had to rearrange all the shots.
Reese used IMovie and Final Cut Pro to edit the film. Her main job was to edit the film.
Here are the group of us on our way back to Nicole's house to edit the film. The people in the back seat were all the main actors of the film.
Our group has yet to decide the font and titles for the film as we are just starting to put it all together. That might come next week during editing. The group wants the font to be ominous and spooky but not too cheesy. Reese has discussed using the font Chalkduster but we have not completely decided on it. For transitions and audio, we have little transitions but they are used when they are needed and audio we plan on adding a scream at the very last moment to shock the viewers. But as it is the group's first draft we have a lot more things to add later to enhance the film. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Filming Week 6

This shot is when the husband and wife are driving up to the airport to drop her off for her trip. This is just a scenic shot of the landscape to show that they are arriving at the final destination.

Trying to film at the airport was the most difficult part of the film. As people were coming in and out we had to move the location of the airport entrance to a different building in a different area. Keeping in character and trying to get the right angles for the shots where difficult when filming the driving part of the opener. 

This shot shows the wife walking up to the airport. Because we had to change the locations of the airport terminal and entrance we had to do a lot of the wife walking near the planes to signify that she arrived at the airport. This shot is to show the audience that she is arriving at the airport because there is planes and helicopters in the background.

Filming Week 5

In this shot, the husband of the main character is going back into the airport to give the wife back her bible that she left in the car.

We finished filming this day and shot many different ways to try and get the best possible combination. As I was one of the main actors I had a great time filming. It was a little bit shaky at the beginning trying to compose myself and make it look as real as possible.

These are the two main characters the wife and the husband. In this shot, the husband is reminding the wife to not forget her bible. The wife is packing up her bag for her vacation and the husband is talking to her and making sure she has everything and if she is ready to leave for the airport. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Film Prep

It is time to prepare for filming. You need to think about everything that must be done to get ready. Post in your blog what you did this week in preparation for starting to film. You should discuss in detail the following elements:

actors- Reese, Nicole, Maddy,
costumes- camo outfit, airport casual clothing
props- hunting gear (knife), suitcases, car
locations- Maddy's house, airport
dates and times- Maddy's house (February 13), Airport (February 14-16)
scripts- Couple conversations as they drive to the airport. Talking about their day and what she's going to do on her trip. Also talking about him going hunting.
film equipment- a video camera

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Story Board

This is our group's storyboard. The main plot of our film is a vengeful husband after he sees his wife cheating. The climax of our film is when the husband goes into his car and gets the knife and goes back into the airport to find his wife and her lover. At the beginning they are a happy loving couple sad to see each other go. And the character arcs shift as the audience gets to know more about the people.  Overall our film has many good aspects and develops interesting and deep characters

Thursday, January 23, 2020


The videos have had little effect on changing our genre. The horror openers gave me good ideas for color and different shots. The Garzon Production video was very good at making it look like a real opener. White Coat also gave good ideas to shot for a horror movie, the color over the video gives a more ominous vibe. The Soul Production was a horror opener that wasn't shot that well and thought out, it didn't give much background to the kidnapping. Always Watching has a good plot but the filming wasn't very good. Rise and Shine was very good at setting up the film and plot. Lost and Found was good at panning between different shots. Valle sets up and a good plot but could use more effects to establish the past and present. Gossen Production doesn't set up having a stalker well, but the acting is probably the best. The videos helped show what effects and shots our group should use to get the effects of fear.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

What inspired you?

I chose the genre of horror because it is the genre that ekokes the most emotions from the audience constantly throughout the movie. I specifically enjoyed the Saw movies because of the way they set up the movies where you learn their pasts. The opening is always shocking and sets up the fear for the rest of the movie. In the last Saw movie, it starts with the body hanging from the underpass. This signifies to the police that the games are still going on. This sets up the plot of the police trying to figure out who the game master is and trying to find the people. Another interesting twist Saw movies give the audience is that everyone has a chance to live if they give up something. It reminds me of the Buddhist monks spending days and weeks on these extravagant sand art just to destroy them once finished. It teaches them not to attach emotional value to objects. While they are very different scenarios the underlying principles are similar. The people who are put in the game are not innocent either they have all committed crimes and the game is a twisted way for them to pay for what they did. The movies have many different intertwining plots and things going on. In the end, there is always a twist or something that was not expected to happen. As many horror movies saw is gorry and has death but unlike other cheesy horror movies like the Grudge it isn’t centered about killing people. Where many horror movies go wrong is because with all the death and killing they lose the plot and character development of the movie. Although many horror movies have the best opening out of all the genres. They’re always perfect to set up the movie and usually leave the audience feeling nervous and anxious for the rest of the movie. The opening of the Ring is probably the best opening for a horror movie that I have seen in the movies. When the girl demon thing crawls out of the tv and toward the audience it builds up so much suspense and fear. It structures the entire movie of what happens after each person watches the clip. When the person watches it seven days later they die. They hear the demon girl thing and go crazy than on the seventh day they die. Overall the movie is pretty good not the best though. But the opening so unnerving and unsettling it is a very good horror film opener. Many horror films just try and start off with a jump scare or something to make the audience scare without connecting it to the plot. The Ring did that very well connecting the opener to the entire movie and making it a very important aspect. By doing this it makes people want to see the movie and get drawn into it. The horror genre does a good job of drawing the audience in through the opener. Mainly by invoking emotions on the audience through death and fear.