Sunday, March 15, 2020

Editing Week 7

This is a photo of Reese's computer while she is editing the clips together. Our group took a lot of different clips at different times because not everyone could make certain times. So we filmed the end at the beginning of filming so she had to rearrange all the shots.
Reese used IMovie and Final Cut Pro to edit the film. Her main job was to edit the film.
Here are the group of us on our way back to Nicole's house to edit the film. The people in the back seat were all the main actors of the film.
Our group has yet to decide the font and titles for the film as we are just starting to put it all together. That might come next week during editing. The group wants the font to be ominous and spooky but not too cheesy. Reese has discussed using the font Chalkduster but we have not completely decided on it. For transitions and audio, we have little transitions but they are used when they are needed and audio we plan on adding a scream at the very last moment to shock the viewers. But as it is the group's first draft we have a lot more things to add later to enhance the film. 

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