Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Filming Week 6

This shot is when the husband and wife are driving up to the airport to drop her off for her trip. This is just a scenic shot of the landscape to show that they are arriving at the final destination.

Trying to film at the airport was the most difficult part of the film. As people were coming in and out we had to move the location of the airport entrance to a different building in a different area. Keeping in character and trying to get the right angles for the shots where difficult when filming the driving part of the opener. 

This shot shows the wife walking up to the airport. Because we had to change the locations of the airport terminal and entrance we had to do a lot of the wife walking near the planes to signify that she arrived at the airport. This shot is to show the audience that she is arriving at the airport because there is planes and helicopters in the background.

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